Milwaukee Hedgehog Rendezvous--Sponsorship Opportunity

October 10, 11, 12, 2008

Hospitality Inn is at 4400 S. 27th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


There are five sponsorship levels for our show:


$10.00 Bronze Level - includes a line listing* in the show program.


$25.00 Silver Level - includes a business card size ad and a line listing in the show program.


$50.00 Gold Level - includes a half page ad and a line listing in the show



$75.00 Diamond Level - includes a half page ad and a line listing in the show program.


$100.00 Platinum Level - includes a full page ad and a line listing in the show



*All line listings will include sponsor's name and may include a short dedication.


**Ads can be electronically submitted to Deb Weaver's email address (or via hard copy).


All sponsorships are due in full before the start of the show.  Please note:  the Committee reserves the right to not accept a sponsorship application.


There's three ways to sign up:  download the attached form, fill in your info and send it to Deb Weaver; email Deb (put hedgehog show in the subject line please) and ask for a form (will come as a word document); or simply email Deb with your information (and she'll fill out the paperwork for you).


Make checks payable to "Hedgehog Rendezvous". Mail this sheet and your check to the show secretary: Deb Weaver, 5521 W. Lincoln Ave., #3, West Allis WI 53219.  Email Deb at:

We thank you for your support!!!!!


Name:  ________________________________________


Email address (for confirmation):  ____________________


Sponsorship Level:  _______________________________


If you'd like a dedication (no more than two lines), list it here:


